This Is The Last Ice Bucket Challenge You Need To See! Trust Me This One Is Different!

This Is The Last Ice Bucket Challenge You Need To See! Trust Me This One Is Different!

Russia, “Romeo and Juliet” bronze age found.

Romeo and Juliet of the Bronze Age: two in Russia are embracing human skeletons The work of a team of Russian archaeologists had an unexpected finding: during excavations in the Russian region of Rostov, were two skeletons from the Bronze Age embraced each other perfectly. Correspond to two adults who were so carefully stationed to stay with their arms and legs intertwined, facing each other.

Is Your Red The Same As My Red?

It’s a question that everyone has pondered at one time or another: does everyone view colors in the same way? Of course, there are people with color blindness and other disorders that do skew their perception of color. But among the rest of us with normal color vision, can we ever be sure we’re seeing exactly the same thing? In this video from Vsauce, Michael investigates this very questi

SHOCKING Commercial Will Change How You And Your Children Eat. EVERYONE Should See This!

Everyday we’re bombarded with choices regarding what we can put into our bodies. There are fast food joints around every corner, vending machines in every office, and hours of Netflix waiting for us when we get home. This easy access to a lazy lifestyle is creating unhealthy habits for many of us, including our children. While every parent wants nothing more than to give their kids the health

Robin Williams has a tickle fight with Gorilla.

Legendary comedian Robin Williams meets the most famous gorilla in the world, Koko, who is fluent in American sign language. Hilariously, Koko and Williams have an epic tickle fight just shortly after meeting one another.

Noah’s Ark Has Been Found. Why Are They Keeping Us In The Dark?

August 9, 2014 - Noah's Ark Has Been Found. Why Are They Keeping Us In The Dark? I'm often amazed at our lack of knowledge about history. Ordinary people are hungry for this information, yet the organizations responsible to disseminate these facts seem to have an agenda to keep us in the dark. This is especially true when it comes to our ancient human history. I won't hold you in suspense

This Supermarket Came Up With A Brilliant Way To Keep Food From Going To Waste

People don’t really think of starvation when they’re about to toss a perfectly fine batch of vegetables into the trash after dinner. Furthermore, people don’t think about all of the food being wasted when they sort through their refrigerators. Perhaps what’s even more frightening, is the fact that no one thinks about the fact that “spoiled” fruits and vegetables found at superm

This Interactive Cloud Lamp Will Bring A Thunderstorm Into Your Living Room

Thunderstorms are truly incredible, the sound of them slightly frightening but exciting at the same time. When I hear the roar of thunder, I always look up at the sky in search of the lightening bolt sure to come. The only bad thing about thunderstorms is that they don’t ‘storm’ in on command. I’m an optimist, but I have to admit, thunderstorms tend to downpour on the day you have an o

Non-Human DNA Discovered During Biopsy Of Ötzi The Iceman

photo credit: South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology/Eurac/Samadelli/Staschitz In 1991, hikers in the Ötztal Alps near the Italian-Austrian border stumbled upon what appeared to be a human corpse jutting out of the ice and meltwater. The body was extracted, and after exhaustive examination, researchers concluded that the glacier mummy was a 45-year-old male, about 1.6 meters (5 foot 3 inches) tal

Has Hellmouth Opened Up at the End of the World?

Isn’t Siberia too cold to be the location of Hellmouth? That’s the question some people were asking as reports came in of the discovery of a mysterious hole in the northern Siberian area of Yamal, a word that means “End of the World” in the language of its indigenous people, the Nenets. According to the Siberian Times, the hole was discovered by a helicopter crew working for an oil comp