A Beautiful Knit Scarf (free pattern)

If the cold weather is making your lips crack and your throat sore, then you should definitely consider wearing a scarf. Oh, the problem is you want a fashionable scarf for this winter? Well, you should definitely make your own! DIY items are still in this season and can help you get as unique as you want. If you want a statement item, you should try and knit this beautiful scarf, that looks coo

Repurposing Unwanted Shirts

Repurposing Unwanted Shirts The `magic` of sowing is often overlooked as many technological processes are making their way into our everyday life. Once in a while, a little step back to a lifestyle where handmade objects are more valued is worth your time. Especially if you have a young personality nearby you’d like to mold for the society of tomorrow. Try to make this small dress from an unu

Grain Silo Converted Into A Texas Loft Apartment

Grain silo homes become more and more popular in the States and not only, and you can find plenty of inspiration on the web. This stylish Texas Inn is a great example and its remodeled interior is a nice example of the infinite possibilities a grain silo can offer. The silo had been owned by Edwin Hanz and now (since 2007) is used for accomodation by the Gruene Homestead Inn. The silo is compris

Fishermen get the firight of their lives as huge shark circles around Boat

Fishermen get the firight of their lives as huge shark circles around Boat Fishermen get the firight of their lives as huge shark circles around Boat Fishermen get the firight of their lives as huge shark circles around Boat 'It's bigger than the boat!' The five-metre 1.7-tonne shark which closed Newcastle's beaches for NINE DAYS scares two fisherman in a tiny tinny Two men had a close encounte

WATCH: Bullies Picked On Him Everyday, Until He Started Doing One Simple Thing To Turn It Around

Unfortunately in today's world, a lot of children are subjected to all kinds of messages from the media about how to be, how to act, and what to do. On top of this, some children are subjected to other kinds of messaging, which comes in the form of bullying. In the U.S. about thirty percent of teenagers have been subjected to bullying. There are four types of bullying: physical, verbal, emotiona

He Cracks The Egg Over Onion Rings, And Reveals This GENIUS Kitchen Trick!

Need to water the greenery but don’t have a watering can? Grab an empty milk jug, top it up with water and poke about 20 holes in the cap, then voila! You’re practically a green thumb. Ever want to spoil your family with a gourmet breakfast but you don’t know where to start? Simply cut a few large circles from an onion, put the stove on medium heat and throw them in! After a minute, cra

40+ Amazing DIY Pallet Tables

Pallets are so cool as they are highly functional and can be used for many DIY projects. They can be purchased from any home decor store and all you need to do after that is paint them. You can make a large table using pallets, one for an outdoor area, such as your backyard. You can also make a couches out of pallets and organize it in any shape you like. All you need to do afterwards is add som

WATCH: She Cuts Paper Towels In Half And Soaks Them. I Thought She Was Crazy Until I Saw The End

Paper towels are just over 100 years old. They were first created in 1907, by Scott Paper Company of Philadelphia, and were meant to limit the spread of germs in bathrooms. Prior to the creation of paper towels, people used cloth towels in public restrooms. Scott Paper Company, now owned by paper products giant Kimberly Clark, still makes paper towel, toilet paper, and tissue to this day. Pa

DIY Project: Pallet Wood Floor

Even if you don’t have a design idea in mind involving wooden pallets, saving them from the dump and stockpiling a lot of them will prove useful someday. Take this family as example. The members stored a bunch of these for up to a year and a half with one great DIY project in mind. The result was outstanding! You too could make a beautiful floor out of wooden pallets. It might look like a lot

How to Cook Steak on Coals

Perfectly grilled steak in mere minutes. Who's firing up the grill this weekend? My favorite way to grill steak is right on the coals. #GrillSmart