This Canadian Couple Builds Greenhouse Around Home to Grow Food and Keep Warm Year Round

The average January temperature in Stockholm Sweden is 27 degrees Fahrenheit. This is cold. It costs money to heat the home. Growing vegetables becomes more difficult. As a solution, Charles Sacilotto and Marie Grammar have d a massive greenhouse…that their home lies within!

They gave Fair Companies a tour of their “Naurhus” (aka Nature House) that is encompassed by a 4-millimeter pane of glass. The costs: $84,000 for the installation.

The greenhouse home is heated by the sun during the day and keeps it warm in the evening due to residual heat that is stored in the bedrock that is below the home.

The roof deck is the best ever for year-round actives such as providing their son with a place to play, sunbathing and reading in an environment that only the Naturhus can .

This is an environmentally conscious family who is working to become self-sufficient. They collect rainwater for their household needs as well as water for their plants. They compost their garden and kitchen waste so it is recycled back into their own little ecosystem.
According to Fair Companies:

“The sewage system s with a urine-separating toilet and uses centrifuges, cisterns, grow beds and garden ponds to filter the water and compost the remains.”

Inside the greenhouse they grow tomatoes, figs, cucumbers, herbs and grapes and other things that would not normally be able to survive the Scandinavian winter.

According to Charles Sacilotto, who is an engineer, there is no need to worry about the glass breaking:

“It’s security glass. So in principle this can’t break. If it ever does, it will break in tiny pieces to not harm anyone.”

Check out the video below of this awesome family showing off their unique home. What do you think? Could you live here?