Boasting a wingspan almost as wide as Tom Cruise is high, the giant golden-crowned bat looks terrifying when it’s flying spread-eagled through the air, its skinny furry body emphasizing the enormity of its wings. And when its roosting, it looks like a vampire, cloaked by its rubbery black cape.
Despite its imposing size, the fruit-eating megabat – part of a species native to the Philippines – is harmless and makes no attempts in attacking humans, who encroach their habitat and illegally hunt them for fun or food, placing them on the list of endangered species.
Viral images of these innocent, endangered creatures sparked both interest and fear in people who were shocked by their size and predatory appearance.
When the first images went viral, they were described as “human-sized” bats – but there was an unfortunate description causing both confusion and fear.
So, before we delve into learning more about these unique creatures, there are a few clarifications to make. Firstly, they are not “human-sized” unless you are using a very generous interpretation and comparing them to a ”small child” rather than an average adult human.