She Reveals The Best Breakfast Secret Ever…This Changes Everything!

Are you sick of having the same old breakfast? Well, this next recipe, a twist on a classic, will make you want to get out of bed in the morning.
In the video demonstration, Our favorite YouTuber YoYoMax12 creates ham and egg breakfast cups. It’s such a fun and creative way to put the ham, egg, cheese, and toast all in one bundle!
To make the breakfast treat, cut the crust off the bread and roll the bread as thin as possible. You can cook the bread cups at 375 degrees for 5–7 minutes or until light golden brown. Then, you add a thin slice of deli ham and cheese along the sides of the bread cups. Finally, you break an egg into each cup. Bake egg cups at 375 degrees for 14–18 minutes until egg whites are barely set and still appear moist. Then, breakfast is served.
It doesn’t get any easier than this. I can’t wait to make this delicious meal at home this weekend. It looks so yummy!