High-efficiency is slowly becoming a prerequisite for homes, not a fab anymore. People choosing to resort to more eco-friendly alternatives have pushed innovation to a more accessible standard. Solar heating for example can be both efficient and stylish with these Glass Roof Tiles. Made by SolTech System, this combination of technology with ecology brings all home owners a definite advantage and makes them choose environmental-friendly materials often. The important thing to know about this particular type of roof tile is that it doesn’t need bright sunshine in order to function at high parameters. Check out how the entire system works from the following presentation and get a clearer picture of what a high-efficient home should look like. And be certain technological innovation has a beneficial effect on our lifestyles.
“At a glance, the system consists of heavy duty transparent glass tiles encasing an insulated solar insulation system that combine to both convert solar energy as well as providing additional insulation within any building.” – SolTech Energy