A group of whale watchers almost lost their lives as the gigantic whale appeared surprisingly, without them knowing behind their boat. Located at Baja, California Peninsula of San Ignacio Lagoon and this whale-watching group was pictured waiting with their cameras ready for action. They almost missed their once-in-a-lifetime encounter, by looking in the wrong direction when the humpback whale popped behind them. Fortunately, they turned around to see the gorgeous beast right on time before it retreated back into the depths of the sea.
The best online photo Bomb just occurred recently, when some tourists were taken by surprise by a sneaky whale.
You wouldn’t expect a whale to win in a game of hide and seek, but if you don’t pay attention, it will turn out to be quite stealthy. Photographer Eric J. Smith captured the spectacular pictures of a surprise whale as the stunned boaters looked back.
Whale-watchers gathered their best camera equipment in hopes of witnessing some spectacular whales on a lovely day at the Baja California peninsula, Mexico.
You may not think of sitting in patience, while waiting for an incident is an exciting adventure, but eventually it became quite the adventure for these group of whale watchers.
Eris J Smith, a professional photographer, was luckily on another boat, trying his own pictures of the whales when he saw a bit of amusement. The boat was full of whale fans who hoped to capture a glimpse of the humpback for their album collections.
A sneaky whale moved on that day and became known instantly on the Internet. The stealthy whale looked up behind the boat on the contrary when the boaters were staring in one direction with their camera. That’s when Smith took the funny pictures.
The whale-watchers only turned in by pure luck at the proper moment and saw the magnificent view right before it once again disappeared into the abyss.
You can even see a woman so full of excitement she raises her arms with pure eagerness. Fortunately, Smith has been able to take these perspectives so that the whale watchers may enjoy the show. After all, you don’t find such a sneaky whale every day.
“There’s a lot of luck in Whale photography, but constantly attentive and readiness is the key. It is easy to be complacent on a whale watching trip, as there is plenty of waiting. As soon as you let your guard down there seems to be a spectacular breach.”
You might remember it for the rest of your life if such a thing happened to you. The whale observers were unbelievably happy when they saw the sly whale – they almost missed it. Wonderful adventures like this are not always happening, and everybody was laughing when everything was over.
Image Credit & More Info; esmithimages | Eric J. Smith | H/T; dailymail