
How an unusual ice pattern formed in the Northumberland Strait

Pilot Paul Tymstra took this photo of a rare ice formation as he flew over the Confederation Bridge on Wednesday. (Paul Tymstra) A picture of an ice formation in the Northumberland Strait is fascinating viewers on social media — and for good reason, according to the Atlantic Canadian Coast Guard. The picture was taken by a P.E.I. pilot flying over the Confederation Bridge. It shows the

This 2,400 Year Old Mushroom Is The Largest Living Organism On The Planet

That's one giant mushroom, folks! It’s not the Blue Whale. In fact, it has a total weight of more than 20 Blue Whales, and here’s a hint: Alice would be proud. Located in the Blue Mountains within the Malheur National Forest in Eastern Oregon, armillaria ostoyae is an enormous organism dubbed the “Humongous Fungus” by scientists. More commonly known as the Honey Mushroom or Shoe

These ‘Monkey Face Orchid Flowers’ Are Fascinating (And Very Appropriately Named!)

The Monkey Faced Dracula Orchid May Be The Most Appropriately Named Plant In The World First of all, I had no idea that there was an entire sub-culture of the internet dedicated to orchids. Second, how does this monkey face orchid look so much like a monkey? Nature is so incredible. However, my cynicism popped up on this one… was this flower crafted in a lab? Did men in white coats d

Storm chaser captures amazing atmospheric optics on icy mountaintop

Storm chaser describes ‘prettiest winter pictures’ he’s ever taken An icy winter wonderland in the Sauerland region of Germany, also contains a wide breadth of great examples of atmospheric optics. "This might have been one of the prettiest winter pictures I've ever taken," Wouter van Bernebeek, a storm chaser from the Netherlands said on Facebook on Dec.11, 2022. The photo,

21 Photos Of Nature Winning The Battle Against Civilization

As solid and unshakable as we think our civilization is, its grip on nature is tenuous at best. If any cracks appear in the faces of our buildings or our machines, nature is quick to move in and take over. With this in mind, here are 21 photos of places and things that nature is in the process of reclaiming. Quite a bit of thought has been given to the idea of what Earth might look like once we

Photographer Travels To The Coldest Village On Earth Where The Temperature Can Reach -71.2C (-96F)

If you think that winter has already come to your city, pictures from Oymyakon, Russia, the coldest village on Earth, might change your mind. With the lowest temperature of −71.2 °C (−96 °F), recorded in 1924, and the average for January being -50°C (-60°F), this village is the coldest permanently inhabited place on this planet. New Zealand-based photographer Amos Chapple decided to go on

Forget Coffins – Organic Burial Pods Will Turn Your Loved Ones Into Trees

The idea of coming full circle and returning whence we came from is one that appeals to many of us, regardless of our faith (or lack thereof), and this is an idea captured perfectly by this beautiful new burial method developed in Italy. The Capsula Mundi project by designers Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel has developed an organic, biodegradable burial capsule that will turn the deceased’s body

Rare Weather Event In Finland Results In Thousands Of ‘Ice Eggs’ On Beach, See Pics

Α rare collectioп of “ice eggs” has beeп spotted iп Fiпlaпd, a pheпomeпoп experts say oпly occυrs iп highly particυlar coпditioпs. Risto Mattila, who photographed the eggs, said he aпd his wife were walkiпg aloпg Marjaпiemi beach oп Hailυoto islaпd oп Sυпday wheп they came across the icy balls coveriпg a 30-metre (98ft) expaпse of shoreliпe. “The

This Fungus is Known as ‘Dead Man’s Fingers’ And Is Kind of Disturbing

When Regan Daniels from North Carolina uploaded a few pictures of a fungus that looked like a dead man’s toes to the Facebook group Mushroomcore, her snaps instantly went viral, and it’s easy to see why. Ouch, look at that! Image credits: Regan Daniels Naturally, a few people immediately cried ‘fake’, but Daniels reassured people it wasn’t the case. And, well, look

World’s Largest Bromeliad, ‘Queen of the Andes’, Blooms Only Once in a Century

Extremely rare and endangered, this ancient marvel known as the “Queen of the Andes” is the largest bromeliad in the world. Photo: Waldemar Niclevicz Among the 3,000 species of bromeliads out there, this one is definitely the king! At over 30 feet tall, Puya raimondii is the world’s largest Bromeliad, sporting one of the largest flower stalks of any plant on earth! As the photos