10 Tips To Make Life Just A Little Easier

To be completely honest, opening a jar with a knife is a little too risky for my taste. I prefer to wrap the edge of a lid with a rubber band for better grip. It works just as well and isn’t so dangerous. However, I did love the tips on serving chips and popcorn. Generally I only serve chips for more casual occasions like picnics or a gathering to watch a game. In either of those instances, no one would frown upon my serving chips in the bag, and it’ll save me a dish to wash or transport.
He Cracks The Egg Over An Ice Cube Tray, And Reveals This GENIUS Kitchen Trick!
You may have seen some of these tips before, or they may all be new to you. Tell us which was your favorite in the comments below. If you have any other easy tips, please share them as well.