
Cutest 5-year-old dances to “Shake It Off” and Wins the Internet

This cute five-year-old danced to Swift’s “Shake It Off” to raise awareness for Dwarfism Awareness Month in October. Her name is Rilee and she has Achondroplasia, that’s why it is so important that this video goes viral so she can raise awareness for a virtually unknown disease. PLEASE SHARE!

They Noticed Something Weird On The Sonogram. What it was? Shocked Her

Watching a soon to be born baby on a sonogram is one of the most amazing experiences someone can have. In this video, grandma sits down with her daughter and the doctor to look at the baby. Grandma had no idea what was about to happen. This has to be one of the funniest pranks I have ever seen. Enjoy! What would you do in this situation?