
Here Are The Highest Resolution Images Ever Taken Of The Sun

The Sun is awesome. It has given us so many beautiful and amazing things that it simply can’t be called anything other than that. Just think about it: it provides all of Earth’s living creatures with warmth, is a key part of the oxygen-making process, gives us marvelous sunrises and sunsets, makes stunning eclipses happen, and, on top of it all, is one of the sources of vitamin D and makes

Here Are The 30 Best Photos That NASA’s Curiosity Has Taken After 7 Years On Mars

For us, mere mortals, Mars is a no man's land where survival seems like a distant dream. After all, no man has ever walked on its surface (as far as we know) and plans to send one to the red planet are only in the early stages of its development. However, humans have touched Mars through the durable wheels of Mars rovers. We've had 4 successful robotically operated Mars rovers (all of which were m

Perfectly Timed Photo Frames a Solar Eclipse Around a Man Leading a Camel in the Desert

Awe-inspiring photographs all have something in common—the photographer was in the right place at the right time. Sometimes, it’s by happenstance; but, as photographer Joshua Cripps demonstrates, it is often the result of months of preparation. The California-based creative was planning on being in the Middle East in mid-December 2019 when he found out there would be an annular solar eclipse.

Beth Moon Photographs The World’s Oldest Trees Illuminated By Starlight

Ancient trees affected by cosmic rays are the subject of The “Diamond Nights” project by San Francisco-based photographer Beth Moon. Moon has spent the last 14 years photographing the world’s oldest trees in daylight, but this series captures them at night. Her photos feature primarily baobab and quiver trees in South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia. “Our relationship to the wild has alwa

Photographer Captures Amazing Light Pillars In Northern Ontario (20 Pics)

A lot of spectacular things happen at night, and luckily there is someone to capture them while we're sleeping tight in our beds. Photographer Timothy Joseph Elzinga was recently woken up by his 2-year-old boy Gibson at 1:30 a.m. when his son spotted beautiful color lights dancing in the sky. Timothy quickly picked up his camera and shot some amazing photos of what he later realized is a phenomeno

‘Devil’s Horns’ Sunrise Photo Goes Viral And It’s 100% Real

I think it’s safe to say that Norah Jones wasn’t picturing something like this when she sang about the sunrise in our eyes. Photography enthusiast Elias Chasiotis had spent the last days of 2019 in Qatar and they were definitely worth the trip. You see, during one of these days, a solar eclipse was underway as the Sun began rising above the horizon, making it look like a devil rising from t

This Viral MRI Scan Of A Pug’s Face Is Weirding Out The Internet

When it comes to choosing our furry companions, many of us stick to the rule the cuter the better. There’s just one tiny problem. Animals bred to have super-cute looks often suffer ill health – sausage dogs have bad backs, munchkin cats are prone to heart problems, and pugs struggle to breathe. A recent viral image brings the latter to our attention, specifically how messed up pugs have bec

Could One Of The Brightest Stars In The Sky Be About To Explode?

If there’s one constellation that even the most uninterested stargazer can identify it’s Orion, famous for his three-starred belt. Yet something is definitely up with the cosmic hunter as one of his most iconic stars has been dimming, leading to speculation that it could be about to go supernova. Betelgeuse is also known as Alpha Orionis, meaning that it is the brightest star in the constel

These 6 Incredible Discoveries From The Past Decade Have Changed Science Forever

From finding the building blocks for life on Mars to breakthroughs in gene editing and the rise of artificial intelligence, here are six major scientific discoveries that shaped the 2010s - and what leading experts say could come next Are we alone? We don't yet know whether there was ever life on Mars - but thanks to a small, six-wheeled robot, we do know the Red Planet was habitable. Sho

Breathtaking Image Shows Powerful Magnetic ‘Ropes’ Surrounding The Whale Galaxy

Sometimes you just have to stand back in awe at the beauty of the Universe – and that's absolutely the case with this image from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), which captures the side view of a spiral galaxy know as the Whale Galaxy. But if you look closer, the stunning picture also shows something else: the magnetic 'ropes' around the edges of the galaxy's disc. These fi