
This Rare White Gyrfalcon Tries to Stare Down a Camera and Wins Everything

Most people will never get to look a gyrfalcon in the eye, but one of these majestic birds of prey has given you this opportunity by staring into a camera eye. According to CBC, the rare white gyrfalcon in the video has been visiting the camera tower in Manitoba, probably for the dizzying view. No wonder the falcon seems to be gawking at what he’s seeing! The Cornel Lab of Ornithology d

Photographer Spends Years Taking Photos Of Endangered Animals, They’re Heartbreakingly Beautiful

When you think of ‘endangered species,’ what do you think of? Maybe a tiger or a polar bear? But, what about a saiga or a white-bellied pangolin? Sadly, there are now 41,415 on the ‘red list,’ and approximately 16,306 of them are endangered and threatened with extinction. British photographer Tim Flach was on a mission to capture as many photos of these endangered species as possible. T

This Man Woke Up To A Strange Noise, Then He Saw This On His Porch (15 Pics)

arlier this month, we wrote about the most awesome “I woke up to this” moments that have ever happened, and this story that happened to Tim Newton from Alaska definitely belongs there. “Tim was awakened by noises on [his] deck last week – and looked outside. In astonishment, he grabbed his camera.. and can you believe it? Mama Lynx and her SEVEN kits!!” – he later wrote on his faceb

If You Ever Feel Sad, These 10+ Highland Cattle Calves Will Make You Smile

When thinking about adorable little furballs we might imagine a kitty, a fox, or even a panda. There is, however, a breed of cows whose babies are as adorable and as heart-melting as the charming creatures mentioned above. Introducing Highland cattle. This Scottish breed stands out from the rest for its long wavy hair. The unusual double coat consists of an oily outer layer - the longest of any

These 30+ Photos Of Ingo The Dog And His Owl Friends Is The Only Thing You Need To See Today

Some friendships might seem unlikely, but in reality, move mountains and melt hearts. A few years ago we wrote about a beautiful, yet uncommon, the friendship between a shepherd dog Ingo and an owl Poldi and today we present even more feathered friends of the pup. Ingo and friends are the members of Tanja Brandt's family who is an incredible animal photographer. These furry and feathered beauti

Whale throws itself against woman – when she realizes why, she’s moved to tears

Animals are braver than humans — this story is a classic example! Nan Hauser has been researching and diving with whales for 28 years but had never experienced an encounter like the one she had on a trip to the Cook Islands in the South Pacific, writes The Dodo. Nan was on a research and filming trip. She had a camera team was there to shoot her dive with a group of humpback whales. And t

WATCH: Terrifying moment diver is almost SWALLOWED by 40-tonne whale

THIS is the moment a lucky diver miraculously escaped death after nearly being swallowed by a 40-tonne whale. Rainer Schimpf, 47, was filming the annual sardine run when a 15m Bryde’s whale attacked a ball of fish below him. Luckily the giant mammal swerved at the last moment to avoid sucking him into its gaping mouth – but it still gave him a shock as it breached just yards away. He

Photographer Captures One In A Million Photo, Doesn’t Realize It Until He Gets Home

Sometimes in nature things happen that seem too good to be true, perfect coincidences that vividly illustrate the beauty and wonder of the world around us. One such episode occurred over the Costa Brava, in Northeastern Spain, when a mass of starlings began to gather into a shape-shifting cloud, known as a murmuration. This phenomenon is a true spectacle, with hundreds, sometimes thousands or m

Photographer Shoots Finnish Forest Animals Like They’re Professional Models, And We Can’t Stop Looking At Them

Shoots Finnish Forest Animals Like They’re Professional Models, And We Can’t Stop Looking At Them By​ Greta J. Helsinki-based artist Joachim Munter invites you to step into the fairytale-like wildlife of Finland through his photos. Viewing his portraits of local forest animals, you instantly feel an intimate connection with the subjects, having to pinch yourself to check if you aren't d

This Rare ‘Magic Rabbit’ Was Spotted For The First Time In 20 Years And It May Soon Be Lost Forever

Prepare to fall in love and have your heart broken at the same time: this adorable creature that you’ve probably never heard of, the Ili Pika, is also one of the rarest and most endangered creatures in the world. Their population in their native China is estimated to have dropped to less than 1,000, and these photos are of the first one that has been spotted in 20 years. The Ili Pika was firs