Aftеr bеing rеjеctеd by his Mօthеr, Smаll Dееr finds his bеst cаrеr, this swееt Cаt!

This is a wonderful and inspiring friendship story…! 💕 So adorable Kitty Cat and deer best of friends, PRECIOUS 💕🐈🦌 That is so adorable! The cat is truly concerned about the baby deer! Can’t believe this friendship it’s amazing how animals are love it ❤️👏 Animals never cease to amaze me! 😍 Fri

Village in Canada: 8,000 years‘older than Egyptian pyramids’

Archaeologists on British Columbia’s Triquet Island have excavated an ancient settlement dating back some 14,000 years, to the last ice age. Archaeologists working with the support of the Hakai Institute began excavations on Triquet Island last summer. Since then, they have uncovered a number of artifacts linked to an ancient human settlement on the island, including fish hooks, a hand dri

Incredible Drone Footage Reveals Humpback Whales Creating A Fibonacci Spiral

Professional photographer and polar guide, Piet van den Bemd, was flying a drone across the dark blue waters of the Antarctic when his camera caught sight of an emerging pattern, rising from the deep. Professional photographer and polar guide, Piet van den Bemd, was flying a drone across the dark blue waters of the Antarctic when his camera caught sight of an emerging pattern, rising from

This Gecko Can’t Stop Smiling When He’s Around His Toy Gecko

These are hard times for all of us and we are all in desperate need of some cheering up. Therefore the photographs that we bring to you today serve that very purpose. These images are of a gecko who is elated because of his newfound friend. Kohaku is a gecko living in Japan. In 2017, he went viral after photographs of his happy reaction to getting a toy gecko were shared on the internet. In app

The Mother Cat Adopted And Raised 8 Baby Hedgehogs

One unfortunate day, eight baby hedgehogs lost their mother. They were newborns And desperately needed some care and love. At an unexpected turn, the hedgehogs found a surrogate mother, but it was Moses, the cat, who can be seen breastfeeding in this. Advertisements   Baby hedgehogs refuse to feed unnaturally, by bottle or syringe. And since they were newborns, they were bli

Scientists discover 280-million-year-old fossil forest in Antarctica

Antarctica wasn’t quite a region of ice for most of the year. It is widely believed that millions of years ago, when the planet earth was already a massive landmass called Gondwana, trees flourished near the South Pole. Now, newfound, intricate fossils of some of these trees are revealing how the plants thrived — and what forests might look like as they march northward in today’s warming

An English Teacher of History and a 9000-year-old cheddar man have the same DNA

Separated by 10,000 years but linked by DNA! A 9,000 year old skeleton’s DNA was tested and it was concluded that a living relative was teaching history about a half mile away, tracing back nearly 300 generations! Four years before, when Adrian Targett, a retired history teacher from Somerset, walked into his local news-agent’s, he was startled to see a familiar face staring up at him. That

Orphaned Kangaroo Lives Hop-pily Ever After With His Teddy Bear Best Friend…

You may not believe, but some studies have shown that friendships can have a major impact on our health and well-being. Therefore, everyone needs friends, and this is no exception to animals. Even if the friendship comes from a stuffed animal, it can help someone feel comfortable and overcome all of trials. And of course, it deserves to be cherished and admired. Meet Doodlebug, an orphaned baby k

Kind man rescues injured fox from side of road and they quickly become ‘best friends’

We often think of dogs and cats as the ideal pets because they’ve been domesticated and are accustomed to human lifestyles. But for one man, it wasn’t a dog or cat that he brought home. Instead, he formed an unlikely bond with a wild fox, turning it into his closest companion. SOURCE: PEXELS - ERIC MCLEAN This heartwarming story unfolds in Turnbridge Wells, England, where the Fox

Earth Itself May Be an Intelligent Being, Suggests New Theory

An artist's depiction of a planet progressing through four stages of intelligence. (Image credit: University of Rochester illustration/Michael Osadciw) How about planets? Can they have minds? This idea, that planets are also conscious beings, seems to be at the heart of a new theory put forth by astrobiologists. The premise of this thought experiment is that bacteria and plants working together